It's nice just to smile

"My top teeth have had extensive work done to them over the past 30 years in a bid to "save" them.  Unfortunately, despite restorative work, my gums had receded and most of my teeth were becoming loose.  After a visit to my NHS dentist and the extraction of another two teeth he fitted me with a denture.  After 2 days I knew that I could not wear it for the next thirty years so I investigated dental implants.
The practice was recommended to me and I booked in to see Steve for a consultation.  He recommended fixed teeth supported by four dental implants.  As with most people I had a fear of dentists and as I found Steve’s manner to be extremely calm and reassuring and his knowledge so in-depth, decided he was the man for the job.  The first stage of treatment was the removal of 4 teeth, bone augmentation and the placement of 4 dental implants.  Unfortunately, one of my implants failed and after further consultation I decided I would rather have my remaining four teeth extracted and have a full arch implant supported bridge.  I trusted Steve’s judgement throughout and it became clear that he is quite a perfectionist which is exactly what you need if you want the final outcome to be the best. 
At the age of 47 the decision to have all my teeth out was a difficult one, I had got used to my dysfunctional teeth and learnt to communicate without showing them.  Like wise I always smiled with my mouth closed.  It was quite emotional to see my reflection in the mirror after the final fit and I am still getting used to smiling with my mouth open. 
It hasn't changed my confidence or how I feel about myself but it has given me a freedom.  I used to be embarrassed of my teeth so the effort I took to hide them is gone.  It's nice to just smile."