Easter is the perfect time to restore your smile

Spring has sprung and Easter is just around the corner.  If you are missing teeth, you could feel apprehensive about fun activities, such as eating Easter Sunday roast with your friends and family.  The pleasurable act of biting into roast leg of lamb or chocolate Easter eggs might be ruined by a loose denture or inability to chew.

Remember that Easter is a time of new beginnings, the perfect moment to consider replacing lost or failing teeth.  Dental implants can help restore your mouth’s function, enabling you to chew food and maintain a natural-looking smile.  Implants are seen by many as the gold standard for tooth replacement.  Click4teeth, the national patient website for dental implants, was created to make it easier to find and contact your nearest implant dentist.

Dental implants have a success rate of 95 per cent, and according to the Association of Dental Implantology, “Well-maintained implants placed into adequate bone can be expected to last for many years and possibly for your lifetime.”  If you are considering dental implants, click4teeth’s clinic finder on the home page can help you locate your nearest implant dentist and book a free initial consultation.